Tuesday, July 8, 2014

man and machine . science

Recently, my roommate is having problem with her laptop and printer. Well, it's the mid-term of the semester already, everybody in feeling tense. Some of these tension just got the best of you. So, when technology doesn't work for my roommate, especially the printer, she'll literally just hit them without a second thought.
It's normal that when some people is very frustrated, they wanna let it out. It's very common. But, it still surprised me that my roommate would actually hit her own printer. Despite saying that she pay one hell of a money for the printer, she keeps on hitting it until I think she going to smash the printer to pieces.

However, I wonder if she know that hitting the printer will not solve the problem or in any case might make the printer more damaged? Hitting it won't solve the problem as what she's hitting is the outer shell of the printer as I would say. The inner components are protected and these components are what making your printer gone wrong. I wish I could tell her that but with her condition right now I'm afraid she'll throw it back at me saying "do I look like an engineer to you?". Might as well just keep it to myself.

Whenever a gadget or a machine broke, I always wondered what caused it to damaged? I'm no engineer but it's sometimes interesting to look at the components that's inside. All you could see was colourful wires, connectors, transistors, those tiny little electronic chip, and they are all connected to a board, metally-glued together. All of these components are arranged nicely together and you can't see the problem. In my case, I would think the problem must the electricity flow in the components that are not working well but I won't know the truth anyway. Sometimes the damage is so complicated that even an engineer can't figure out what's going on.

There is one thing made me think that machines can communicate with us. Not mentioning about robots but a daily machine or gadgets. Sometimes you thought something is damaged, you call someone to fix it. But somehow it magically works well again when the repairman is here. One time, I wanted to watch movies, and no matter how many times I insert the DVD, the player just won't run the CD for me and it had happen many times. I get my father immediately to check the player when that happens. I try showing my dad the player won't run the CD. To my surprise, everytime I call my father, the player works well again. Its like with my father's presence, the player work well just fine. Here I am thinking, "dear DVD player, I'm your master's daughter and you're defying my orders. Are you rebelling against me?"

Technology and machines. Their functional components are just so complicated I don't think I would understand them 1000% even if I'm an engineer. Much like to our brains. What goes on inside my head is always a mystery. I guess that makes us even, Machines. We have no idea how each of your brain works.

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