Thursday, June 5, 2014

I'm a senior??

So, a new semester begins. Right now, I'm a first year, semester 3 student in my universities. Being in semester 3 seems great? I'm a senior among the first years! Well, it's nothing excited about that. I used to think that being a senior makes you kind of like "the almighty one". But actually, thought you're a senior among the first years, there's still somebody who are more older than you are. The second and the third years student, they have more experience in studies than you are. So, there's nothing for me to boast about.

I've remembered  something embarrassing during the last semester. Despite just being a 1st year, semester 2 student, I felt so superior! "I'm gonna have junior this year! I want to help them in case they have problems! Or they'll come to me for advice when they have problems!" Oh, just thinking about being able to be the big sister figure-like just makes me happy! Of course sometimes when the small ones depend on you can be difficult sometimes, but thinking about these little ones come to me for help makes me happy! 

HOWEVER, none of that can really happen. I realised there's very few new intakes this semester and I felt why is there more seniors than usual? Oh my......I feel very small suddenly. Here I am, coming to campus with high hopes of becoming a great senior but I end up being another plain old junior for other students. This is just like a freshman on his first day of high school, surrounded by so many seniors. I can't help but feeling small!!!! 

Well, that  first week was pretty embarrassing one. So, now I'm here. A senior among the 1st years. I don't feel superior anymore. I'm just another student who studies that this campus, just like you. I don't care how others see me as, be it a junior or a senior, that's up to you until you come ask me which year I am. Still, I'm aware that deep down, I still wanna be treated like a senior......AH SCREW MYSELF!!!!

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